Friday, 29 October 2010

Dreams and Wishes Visual Inspiration

I created a beautiful visual board to remind myself at a glance of all the promises I have made to myself.

Why not have a go at making one for yourself at wordle ....

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Autumn Full Moon Blessings

Autumn has truly arrived and today is again the day of the Full Moon.

Autumn is a most beautiful season. The colours of the trees and leaves remind me of the riches of our land and the warmth of our home. The apple trees have been heavy with fruit, inspiring lots of home baking and autumnal cooking. The darker light and drop in temperature has requested candles, dimmed lighting and slippers at home, hats and scarves outside. I love this time of year!

It's been a funny few weeks since the full moon of October. A lot of changes are taking place within me and around me. Some have been difficult to face, yet others have been a joy. It has been especially sad to hear a friend's mournful news. You know how much a person means to you when you can feel their pain and your heart aches for them. Special wishes and thoughts go to my beautiful friend today who hurts so much. I wish I could do more to help.

The children have been getting in to the swing of the routines and rituals of the school year. They broke up yesterday for the half term break and are in high spirits today. Our Autumn nature table is looking beautiful and the pumpkins are waiting to be carved. It's going to be a happy and busy week.